Peaceful Kids Meditation Youtube Channel


Peaceful Kids is a channel offering guided meditations for children created by Child Psychologist Emma Bevan. The meditations are designed to help children relax, and feel more grounded and peaceful.

Green Sea Turtle Benny

Green Sea Turtle Benny


“ Benny invites you to rest on the beach with him and relax in the gentle, warm sun.  As you sit on the sand, Benny tells you that he likes to swim in the water here just off the shore.  He explains that there is a beautiful coral reef very close to the beach here and that is where he spends a good part of his day.  Most of the time he likes swimming through the coral with all the fish in the water, but every now and again he likes to come up on the beach and relax in the sun. “

Happy Place

Happy Place


“ Now as you take in another deep breath and then let that go, imagine a huge movie screen in front of you. You, with the power of your mind, begin to fill that screen with your happy place. It can be real or imagined, somewhere you have visited or somewhere you would love to go. It can be a scene from your favourite story or movie – just so long as it is somewhere that as soon as you seen it, it makes you feel happy and peaceful. “

Rainbow Dolphins

Rainbow Dolphins


“ Our bodies and brains are tired from the day, and now they need some rest and relaxation. Its time now to settle and make way for a lovely, long restful sleep. Now when you are feeling ready, if you would like, you can gently close your eyes. “

Sleep Time

Sleep Time


“ Just for a moment let’s imagine that you are floating and flying through the clouds in the sky. You are free, floaty and wherever you think to go, you can go. You can move fast or slow through the clouds, up or down. The clouds are bight white, fluffy and beautiful.  It’s nice to fly around the clouds. “

Content Credits: Emma Bevan


The Art of Attracting A Great Husband


The Art of Avoiding Unsuitable Men